BUD Fund FTA Programme
BUD FTA programme
BUD Fund FTA (then ASEAN)
BUD Fund: HKD 4 million.
Besides enhanced mainland programme, the BUD enterprise support programme launched the ASEAN programme in August 2018. ASEAN includes Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Burnei, Indonesia, Cambodia, the Laos and Vietnam. The maximum fund is 1 million Hong Kong dollar to improve Hong Kong companies’ competitveness in the ASEAN market.
Good news
From 9th April, 2020, the $ 2,000,000 ceiling of both programmes is cancelled. An eligible enterprise can be granted at most $ 4,000,000 from the FTA Programme.
From 20th January 2020, the BUD Fund ASEAN Programm will be extended to all Free Trade Agreement region (aka FTA Programme) and will grant up to $ 2,000,000 to successful applicants. At most 75% of the granted fund will be provided at project kick-off without the applicant’s fund or individual bank account.
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Download BUD brief*Chinese only
BUD FTA Programme
The Hong Kong SAR Government launched the ASEAN Programme of the “Dedicated Fund on Branding, Upgrading and Domestics Sales” on 1 August 2018 to provide funding support to individual non-listed Hong Kong enterprises to enhance their competitiveness and facilitate their business development in the ASEAN markets*. Funding is provided to enterprises on a matching basis with cumulative funding ceiling of $1 million for a maximum of 10 projects. The funding ceiling per project is $1 million.
From 20th January, 2020, the cumulative funding ceiling is $2 million for a maximum of 20 projects. The Fund will support all projects in the Free Trade Agreement countries and regions. The new BUD FTA Programme will include the original ASEAN Programme.
All non-listed enterprises registered in Hong Kong under the Business Registration
Ordinance (Chapter 310) with substantive business operations in Hong Kong are eligible to apply
Required documents for BUD Fund FTA
1.Soft copy (in MS word format) of the completed application form (either in English or Chinese)
2.1 hard copy of application form with signature and company chop
3.Supporting documents of the applicant:
- Copy of the Business Registration Certificate
- Copy of documentary evidence showing the personal details of the key owners/ shareholders (e.g. Annual Return of the Companies Registry (Form AR1) etc)
- Copy documentary evidence proving that the applicant has substantive business operations in Hong Kong
- Copy of documentary evidence proving the direct investment relationship between the applicant and its ASEAN entity
Maximum projects for each enterprise
Funding is provided to enterprises on a matching basis with cumulative funding ceiling of $1 million for a maximum of 10 projects.
From 20th January, 2020, the cumulative funding ceiling is $2 million for a maximum of 20 projects
From 9th April, 2020, the Mainland Programme and the FTA Programme have a joint ceiling of $4 million.
Source: HKPC (https://www.bud.hkpc.org/)
Maximum funding for each project
The funding ceiling per project is $1 million.
Source: HKPC (https://www.bud.hkpc.org/)
Application procedure of the BUD Fund FTA Programme
- Application submission
- Vetting
- Implementation of approved project
- Progress report & Audit report
- Project completion
- Final report & final audit submission
Scope of the BUD Fund FTA
- Branding: Brand building, brand development, positioning and imaging, brand intellectual property, brand recommendation
- Upgrading: New project design, new technique, automation, management system upgrade, logistic management
- Domestic Sales: Marketing strategy and research, sales strategy and plan, sales channel building, promotion
BUD Fund useful link
BUD Application Guide (https://fta.bud.hkpc.org/sites/default/files/download/FTA-Guide-to-Application-EN.pdf)